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Christina Zhong-Wen Chang

Prior to my current position as a race and equity consultant, I was an operations, finance and talent management leader in the higher education space for 20 years. While at the University of Washington, I implemented a race-conscious  talent management program considered a best practice organization for over a decade.


I have chaired the CASE Strategic Talent Management Conference, the CASE Conference on Diverse Philanthropy and Leadership, and have served as faculty for the CASE Minority Advancement Institutes.         


I have presented at conferences and universities related to DEI and leadership, and I speak about building and sustaining a diverse and inclusive work culture at universities and other nonprofits across the country. I am committed to helping organizations build systems of belonging, and creating environments where—quoting Brittany Cooper, PhD— "Everyone has the audacity to live their authentic truth.”


I graduated from Georgetown University, hold a master’s degree in public administration from American University, and am a PhD candidate at Antioch University.

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